DMX4ALL GmbH - ARTNET-DMX und RDM-Technik Made in Germany
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DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany

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Housing 2x10p RM2,54 black
 Leergehäuse 2x10pol RM2,54 schwarzThe empty housing is suitable for cables with crimp contacts. Specifications  Version:Empty housing  Color:Black  Number of poles:20 (2x10)  RM:2,54mm  Contents:1 pcs
Product number: 00-0110
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

Cable yellow with crimp contact (10 pieces)
 Specifications  Version:Cable with crimp contact  Color:Yellow  Length:~ 20cm  Contents:10 pcs
Product number: 00-0682
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

Content: 10 Stck. (€0.24* / 1 Stck.)

Cable black with crimp contact (10 pieces)
 Specifications  Version:Cable with crimp contact  Color:Black  Length:~ 20cm  Contents:10 pcs
Product number: 00-0680
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

Content: 10 Stck. (€0.24* / 1 Stck.)

Cable red with crimp contact (10 pieces)
 Specifications  Version:Cable with crimp contact  Color:Red  Length:~ 20cm  Contents:10 pcs
Product number: 00-0681
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

Content: 10 Stck. (€0.24* / 1 Stck.)

Kabel C - 100cm
 Kabel C - 100cmCable to connect the RGB-outputs of the DMX-LED-Dimmer 16xRGB.Compatible with: - DMX-Dimmer 16xRGB Specifications  Implementation:26AWG  Connection:4 pin female  Length:~ 100cm
Product number: 11-2023
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

DMX-Termination Resistor 3pin
 DMX-Abschlusswiderstand 3polA DMX termination resistor will be plugged in the final DMX-device to avoid disruptions by reflections. Specifications  Connector type:3-pol XLR Male  Termination resistor110Ohm with integrated 110Ohm reseistor
Product number: 10-1108
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

DMX-Termination Resistor 5pin
 DMX-Abschlusswiderstand 5polA DMX termination resistor will be plugged in the final DMX-device to avoid disruptions by reflections. Specifications  Connector type:5-pin XLR Male  Termination resistor110Ohm
Product number: 10-1109
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

Schrittmotortreiber BRIDGE
 Schrittmotortreiber BRIDGEThe stepper motor driver BRIDGE can be used to connect external stepper motor drivers to the DMX-Stepper-Control.The signals STEP, DIR and ENABLE are bridged by the stepper motor driver BRIDGE to the motor connectionand can thus be used for the control of an external stepper motor driver.Can be used together with our DMX-Stepper-Control.For detailed information, please refer to the instructions for the DMX-Stepper-Control. Technische Daten  Motordriver:none (EXTERNAL)  Connection:2x 8 pin row  Dimensions:15,2mm x 20,3mm  Delivery:1x EXTERNAL DRIVER BRIDGE with presoldered pin row Product DownloadsSchrittmotortreiber BRIDGEBedienungsanleitung Schrittmotortreiber BRIDGEUser Manual
Product number: 00-0606
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

Stepperdriver A4988
 Schrittmotortreiber A4988Der A4988 ist ein Schrittmotor Treiber mit einstellbarer Strombegrenzung und fünf verschiedenen Microschritt Betriebsarten.Der Treiber ist für Spannungen von 8-35V geeignet und kann einen Strom von 2A per Phase ansteuern.Ersatz Modul für den DMX-Stepper-Control. Technische Daten  Motortreiber:A4988  Arbeitsspannung:8-35 Volt  Arbeitsstrom:2A pro Phase   3.3V und 5V kompatible TTL Signale   Überhitzschutz  Schritte / Steps:Full, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 und 1/16  Lieferumfang:1x A4988 Stepper Modul inkl. 1 Kühlkörper  
Product number: 00-0608
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

Cable for TWI Extension 4fold
 Kabel für TWI Extension 4fachThe Cable for TWI Extension 4fold is used to distribute the TWI bus signals SDA and SCL and the +5V supply and GND.At approximately 30cm long cable are at a distance of 10cm a total of 4 post sockets available.Compatible with: - DMX-Player L MK2 (Hardware version 2.2 or higher)- TWI analog extension- TWI program ddisplay extension Specifications  Execution:Cable with 4 post sockets  Number of poles:10  Distance between connectors:~ 10cm  Length:~ 31cm
Product number: 11-2029
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

Cableset D
 Kabelset DCable set to connect external controlling elements. Compatible with: - DMX-Player S- DMX-Player L Specifications  Implementation:AWG26  Connection:20 pin male  Length:~ 25cm
Product number: 11-2024
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

Cable-Set B
 Kabelset BKabelset für die Verkabelung des CONTROL-Anschlusses für externe Bedienelemente.Kompatibel mit:- DMX-Player L MK2 Technische Daten  Ausführung:AWG26  Anschluss:20 poliger Stecker  Länge:~ 25cm
Product number: 11-2021
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

IR-Sensor Typ A
 IR-Sensor Typ ACompatible with: - DMX-Player S- DMX-LED-Dimmer 16xRGB- MADE IN GERMANY - [TAB:Specifications] Specifications  Connection:3 pin female 2,54mm connector  Length:ca. 25cm IR-Sensor Typ ACompatible with: - DMX-LED-Dimmer 16xRGB Specifications  Connection:3 pin female 2,54mm connector  Length:ca. 25cm
Product number: 40-9020
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

IR-Sensor Typ B
 IR-Sensor Typ BCompatible with: - DMX-Player L MK2 Specifications  Connection:20 pin female 2,54mm connector  Length:ca. 25cm
Product number: 40-9021
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

PixxRangeExtender 5V
 PixxRangeExtender 5VThe PixxRangeExtender 5V is an optimal tool to receive control signals for digital LED stripes with long signal cables.The signal lines (clock and data) are converted to an interference-insensitive signal,so that increases the range of the signal transmission.For this purpose, the PixxRangeExtender 5V only requires a receiver at the end of the signal line. Specifications  Power supply:5V from digital LED stripe  Connection:3 solder pads for signal input 4 solder pads for connection to LED stripe  Dimensions:23mm x 12mm Product DownloadsPixxRangeExtender 5VBedienungsanleitung PixxRangeExtender 5VUser Manual
Product number: 90-0891
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

PixxControl Cabel Open-End
 PixxControl Kabel Open-EndCable to connect digitale LED stripes with the ArtNet Multi PixxControl. Specifications  Connection:4 pin female XLR connector / 4 unconnected cables  Length:~ 50cm Product DownloadsPixxControl Kabel Open-EndBedienungsanleitung
Product number: 52-0683
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

DR-XLR-F3 service connector
 DR-XLR-F3 ServiceanschlussThe DR-XLR-F3 service connector is a 3 pin XLR female connection pre-assembled for top-hat rail mounting.The assignment of the labeled screw terminals corresponds to the assignment of the XLR connection.An integrated 120Ω DMX termination resistor can be activated and deactivated via jumper. Specifications  Connection:Screw terminals XLR-Female  Design:3 pin Pre-assembled on top-hat rail housing base plate  DMX Termination resistor:120 Ohm  Dimensions:35mm x 86mm with locking clip: 35mm x 90mm Product DownloadsDR-XLRBedienungsanleitung DR-XLRUser Manual
Product number: 99-0013
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

DR-XLR-F5 service connector
 DR-XLR-F5 ServiceanschlussThe DR-XLR-F5 service connector is a 5 pin XLR female connection pre-assembled for top-hat rail mounting.The assignment of the labeled screw terminals corresponds to the assignment of the XLR connection.An integrated 120Ω DMX termination resistor can be activated and deactivated via jumper. Specifications  Connection:Screw terminals XLR-Female  Design:5 pin Pre-assembled on top-hat rail housing base plate  DMX Termination resistor:120 Ohm  Dimensions:35mm x 86mm with locking clip: 35mm x 90mm Product DownloadsDR-XLRBedienungsanleitung DR-XLRUser Manual
Product number: 99-0015
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

DR-XLR-M3 service connector
<table width="800" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">  <tr>    <td><img src="" align="absmiddle"><span style="font-size: large;"><strong>&nbsp;DR-XLR-M3 Serviceanschluss</strong></span></td>  </tr></table><br>The DR-XLR-M3 service connector is a 3 pin XLR male connection pre-assembled for top-hat rail mounting.<br><br>The assignment of the labeled screw terminals corresponds to the assignment of the XLR connection.<br><br>An integrated 120Ω DMX termination resistor can be activated and deactivated via jumper.<br><br><br><img class="dmxmadein" src="" border="0"><br><br><br><!-- Specifications --><table width="800" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">  <tr>    <td><img src="" align="absmiddle"><span style="font-size: large;"><strong>&nbsp;Specifications</strong></span></td>  </tr></table><table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">  <tr>    <td width="300">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="500">&nbsp;</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>Connection:</td>    <td>Screw terminals</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>&nbsp;</td>    <td>XLR-Male</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>&nbsp;</td>    <td>&nbsp;</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>Design:</td>    <td>3 pin</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>&nbsp;</td>    <td>Pre-assembled on top-hat rail housing base plate</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>&nbsp;</td>    <td>&nbsp;</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>DMX Termination resistor:</td>    <td>120 Ohm</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>&nbsp;</td>    <td>&nbsp;</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>Dimensions:</td>    <td>35mm x 86mm</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>&nbsp;</td>    <td>with locking clip: 35mm x 90mm</td>  </tr></table><br><!-- Produkt Downloads --><table width="800" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">  <tr>    <td><img src="" align="absmiddle"><span style="font-size: large;"><strong>&nbsp;Product Downloads</strong></span></td>  </tr></table><div id="dmx4all-buttons"> <a class="document-button" onfocus="this.blur()" href="" target="_blank">DR-XLR<br>    <span><span class="german-lang">Bedienungsanleitung</span></span></a>    <br>    <a class="document-button" onfocus="this.blur()" href="" target="_blank">DR-XLR<br>    <span><span class="english-lang">User Manual</span></span></a></div>
Product number: 99-0023
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

DR-XLR-M5 service connector
 DR-XLR-M5 ServiceanschlussThe DR-XLR-M5 service connector is a 5 pin XLR male connection pre-assembled for top-hat rail mounting.The assignment of the labeled screw terminals corresponds to the assignment of the XLR connection.An integrated 120Ω DMX termination resistor can be activated and deactivated via jumper. Specifications  Connection:Screw terminals XLR-Male  Design:5 pin Pre-assembled on top-hat rail housing base plate  DMX Termination resistor:120 Ohm  Dimensions:35mm x 86mm with locking clip: 35mm x 90mm Product DownloadsDR-XLRBedienungsanleitung DR-XLRUser Manual
Product number: 99-0025
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

TWI Analog Extension
 TWI Analog ExtensionThe TWI Analog Extension is an additional module available for DMX-Player L MK2to regulate the brightness or speed via a potentiometer.The jumper specifies whether brightness or speed is to be controlled.Several additional modules can be connected to the TWI-Connection, so with one TWI Analog Connectionthe brightness can be controlled and with another TWI-Connection the speed is adjustable. Specifications  Power supply:5V DC via TWI-Connection  Connection:10-pin header for TWI  Potentiometer-Connection:3 pin screw terminal RM5  Resolution:256 values  Dimensions:38mm x 16mm Product DownloadsTWI Analog ExtensionBedienungsanleitung TWI Analog ExtensionUser Manual
Product number: 40-9041
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

Cable-Set C
 Kabelset CCable set to connect the RGB-outputs of the DMX-LED-Dimmer 16xRGB.Included are 16 pcs. of the RGB connection cable.Compatible with: - DMX-Dimmer 16xRGB Specifications  Implementation:AWG20  Connection:4 pin male  Length:~ 25cm  Delivery:16 pcs.
Product number: 11-2022
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

Stepper driver TMC2208
 Schrittmotortreiber TMC2208The stepper motor driver TMC2208 is compatible with the Pololu A4988.The components are mounted on the top with which a heat sink can be mounted for better heat dissipation.Can be used together with our DMX-Stepper-Control.For detailed information, please refer to the instructions for the DMX-Stepper-Control. Technische Daten  Motordriver:Trinamic TMC2208  Voltage:5,5-36 V (Stepper)Voltage:3.3V and 5V (control TTL signals)  Current:1,2A (RMS)   Overheat protection  Delivery:1x SilentStepStick with presoldered pin row 1x Heatsink  
Product number: 00-0607
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

PixxRangeExtender 12V
 PixxRangeExtender 12VThe PixxRangeExtender 12V is an optimal tool to receive control signals for digital LED stripes with long signal cables.The signal line(s) are converted to an interference-insensitive signal,so that increases the range of the signal transmission.For this purpose, the PixxRangeExtender 12V only requires a receiver at the end of the signal line. Specifications  Power supply:12V from digital LED stripe  Output signal:5V control signal  Connection:3 solder pads for signal input 4 solder pads for connection to LED stripe  Dimensions:29mm x 12mm Product DownloadsPixxRangeExtender 12VBedienungsanleitung PixxRangeExtender 12VUser Manual
Product number: 90-0892
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

PixxControl Cable TYP-3
 PixxControl Kabel TYP-3Cable to connect the digitale LED stripes with the ArtNet Multi PixxControl.Compatible with: - Digital LED-Stripe LPD1886- Digital LED-Stripe APA-104- Digital LED-Stripe SK6812- Digital LED-Stripe UCS9812- Digital LED-Stripe TM1804- Digital LED-Stripe WS2811/WS2812B Specifications  Connection:4 pin female XLR connector / 3 pin female JST-SM connector  Length:~ 50cm Product DownloadsPixxControl Kabel TYP-3Bedienungsanleitung
Product number: 52-0684
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

PixxControl Cable Typ-4 FEMALE
 PixxControl Kabel Typ-4 FEMALEConnection cable to connect digital LED-Stripes with the ArtNet Multi Pixxcontrol. Compatble with:- Digital LED-Stripe RGB SK9822 30BL- Digital LED-Stripe RGB SK9822 60BL Specifications  Connection:4 pin female XLR connector / 4 pin female JST SM connector  Length:~ 50cm Product DownloadsPixxControl Kabel Typ-4 FEMALEBedienungsanleitung PixxControl Kabel Typ-4 FEMALEUser Manual
Product number: 52-0687
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

PixxControl Kabel 4M
 PixxControl Kabel 4MConnection cable to connect digital LED-Stripes or screens with the ArtNet Multi Pixxcontrol. Compatble with:- Digital LED-Stripe APA102- Digital LED-Stripe LPD8806 Specifications  Connection:4 pin female XLR connector / 4 pin male JST SM connector  Length:~ 50cm Product DownloadsPixxControl Kabel 4MBedienungsanleitung PixxControl Kabel 4MUser Manual
Product number: 52-0680
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

PixxControl Kabel 4F-LC8808
 PixxControl Kabel 4F-LC8808Connection cable to connect digital LED-Stripes with the ArtNet Multi PixxControl. Compatble with:- Digital LED-Stripe RGB LC8808 60WS Specifications  Connection:4 pin female XLR connector / 4 pin female JST SM connector  Length:~ 50cm Product DownloadsPixxControl Kabel 4F-LC8808Bedienungsanleitung PixxControl Kabel 4F-LC8808User Manual
Product number: 52-0688
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 3-5 Tage

PixxControl Cable 4F-GS8208
 PixxControl Kabel 4F-GS8208Connection cable to connect digital LED-Stripes with the ArtNet Multi PixxControl. Compatble with:- Digital LED-Stripe RGB GS8208 60WS Specifications  Connection:4 pin female XLR connector / 4 pin female JST SM connector  Length:~ 50cm Product DownloadsPixxControl Kabel 4F-GS8208Bedienungsanleitung PixxControl Kabel 4F-GS8208User Manual
Product number: 52-0689
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

PixxControl Cable DMX
 PixxControl Kabel DMXCable to connect DMX devices with 3 pin XLR to the ArtNet Multi PixxControl.For dmx devices with 5 pin XLR a additional adaptor is needed. Specifications  Connection:4 pin female XLR connector / 3 pin female XLR connector  Length:~ 50cm
Product number: 52-0682
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 3-5 Tage

Stepper driver TMC2100 SilentStepStick
 Schrittmotortreiber TMC2100 SilentStepStickTMC SilentStepStick has a configurable microstep resolution from fullstep up to 256 microsteps.To keep it compatible with other firmware made for stepstick or Pololu board it has a configurable interpolation.Can be used together wit our DMX-Stepper-Control. Technische Daten  Motordriver:Trinamic TMC2100  Voltage:8-45 V (Stepper)Voltage:3.3V and 5V (control TTL signals)  Current:1,2A (RMS)   Overheat protection  Microstep Resolution:1...256  Delivery:1x SilentStepStick with preconfigured pin row for DMX-Stepper-Control  
Product number: 00-0609
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

Stepper Motor Driver TB6600
Product number: 11-3010
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

DCF77 Sensor
 DCF77 SensorThe DCF77 Sensor is a receiver of the DCF77 radio clock time signal.The DCF antenna is tuned to the DCF77 time transmitter near Frankfurt.Based on the output signal, time and date can be determined to the second withthe help of an external analysis unit.A suitable installation housing with IP protection is available as accessory for mounting. Specifications  Power supply:5-24V DC  Output:Received DCF77 signal  Receive frequency:77,5 kHz  Connections:screw terminals 3pin  Working temperature:-10°C up to 45°C  Dimension:66mm x 66mm Product DownloadsDCF77 SensorBedienungsanleitung DCF77 SensorUser Manual
Product number: 90-0900
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

DCF77 Key
 DCF77 KeyThe DCF77 Key is a component part for the ArtNet Player X and is neededfor the analysis of the DCF77 radio clock time signal.Furthermore, the DCF77 sensor is necessary to receive the DCF77 signal.With this component the ArtNet Player X receives an exact time signal for executionof stored timers. The change between winter and summer time takes place automatically. Specifications  Power supply:5V DC from TWI bus  Bus system:DMX4ALL TWI  Protocol:DCF77  Connections:Female connector 2x5pol 2,54mm  Dimension:30mm x 15mm Product DownloadsDCF77 KeyBedienungsanleitung DCF77 KeyUser Manual
Product number: 90-0904
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

IR Remote Control
 IR FernbedienungThis IR-remote control is suitable to - DMX-Player L MK2- DMX-Dimmer 16xRGB- SD-Player 8Functions according to device. Please see the device documentation.!!! Battery CR2025 not included !!! Specifications  Power supply:3V DC via button cell CR2025 ( NOT INCLUDED )  Range:up to 10 m  Dimensions:110 x 46 x 7 mm
Product number: 40-9000
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

DMX-LED-Dimmer USB-Configurationcable
 DMX-LED-Dimmer USB-KonfigurationskabelAll DMX4ALL LED-Dimmer can be configured with this cable.Compatible with:- LED-Dimmer X9 HR (up to V2.1)- LED-Dimmer BB4- LED-Dimmer 4xRGB HR Specifications  Length:ca. 1,8m  Colour:Black Product DownloadsDMX-LED-Dimmer USB-KonfigurationskabelUSB Driver LED-Dimmer Configuration ToolWindows 32 & 64bit
Product number: 96-9901
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

TWI program display extension
 TWI Programmdisplay ExtensionThe TWI program display extension is an add-on module thatdisplays the currently running program.Furthermore there are 2 buttons for UP and DOWN to select the program. Specifications  Power supply:5V DC / 50mA  Display:4-digit 7-segment display  Program selection:2 buttons (UP/DOWN)  Connection:10-pin header for TWI  Dimensions:60mm x 30mm Product DownloadsTWI program display extensionBedienungsanleitung TWI program display extensionUser Manual
Product number: 40-9042
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

DMX-LED-Dimmer MaxiRGB
 DMX-LED-Dimmer MaxiRGBThe DMX-LED-Dimmer MaxiRGB is specially designed for driving RGB LED strips with 12V or 24V.The 3 separate LED outputs that are independently controllable via DMX can beused for RGB or separate single color LED stripes.Alternatively, internal color gradients can be called without external control.The operating voltage of the DMX-LED-Dimmer MaxiRGB is also the operating voltage of the LED-Stripes. Specifications  Power supply:12-24V DC / 50mA The supply voltage must correspond to the voltage for the LED stripe!  LED voltage:12-24V DC (no AC voltage !)  DMX Input:DMX512 / 3 channels  LED Output:3x (R/G/B) max. 10A each together max. 10A with common anode (+) common power supply  PWM resolution:256 steps (8-Bit), linear  PWM frequency:~240 Hz  StandAlone function:9 internal StandAlone-programs  Connectors:Solder points  Dimensions:70mm x 30 mm Product DownloadsDMX-LED-Dimmer MaxiRGBBedienungsanleitung DMX-LED-Dimmer MaxiRGBUser Manual
Product number: 90-3503
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

DMX-LED-Dimmer XS3
 DMX-LED-Dimmer XS3The DMX-LED-Dimmer XS3 is designed to control RGB orsingle-colour LED-Stripes with 12V or 24V.3 OutputsThe DMX-LED-Dimmer XS3 has three outputs to connect LEDs. All outputsare designed at the same, so single-colour or RGB LEDs can be connected.High Power OutputsThe outputs can drive a current up to 2A.So it is possible to connect a maximum load of 72W (12V) / 144W (24V).0% up to 100% dimmableThe connected LEDs are dimmed via PWM from 0% up to 100%.For voltages from 12V up to 24VThe DMX-LED-Dimmer XS3 runs with a power supply from 12V up to 24V.DMX-FAIL FunctionAn adjustable DMX-FAIL Function offers the option to get, in case oflost DMX signal, the current state (HOLD) or assuming a preset value.DMX-Master dimmerOptionally, another DMX channel can be activated as master dimmer (all outputs).RDM supportThe DMX-LED-Dimmer XS3 allows configuration by RDM via DMX.All parameters can be set with the RDM Configurator.Stand-Alone-FunctionThe DMX-LED-Dimmer XS3 has a user-programmable Stand-Alone-Function,to replay an internal program.LED-Status-DisplayThe DMX receiving is indicated via the LED status display. Specifications  Power supply:12-24V DC 50mA without load  LED voltage:12-24V DC (no AC voltage !)  Protocol:DMX512 RDM  DMX channels:3 / 4 / 5 channels depend on Personality  DMX-FAIL:Hold / 0%-100% / Stand-Alone  Output:3 PWM-Signals with 8 Bit resolution Common supply voltage  Output current:max. 2A per output max. 6A in sum for all outputs  Output power:3x 24W (12V) / 3x 48W (24V)  PWM-Frequency:244 Hz  StandAlone-Function:User-defined light program  Connections:Solder pads  Dimensions:12mm x 40mm Product DownloadsDMX-LED-Dimmer XS3Bedienungsanleitung DMX-LED-Dimmer XS3User Manual
Product number: 90-3373
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

DMX-Addressmodul with LED-Display
 DMX-Adressmodul mit LED-DisplayThe DMX-Address module with LED-Display is a helpful additionalmodule which is grinded in the DMX-Line.The DMX-Channels can be shift up as well as down within the DMX-Universes (shiften).The usage occurs via two buttons. The operation mode as well asthe value (DMX-Address) can be adjusted. Specifications  Power supply:5V DC / 50mA  DMX-Input:512 channels  DMX-Output:up to 512 channels  DMX-Output LOAD:Driver for 32 devices (LOAD-UNITs)  Signal delay:~ 0,1µs (Adress-Mode / Shift-Down) ~ 25ms (ChannelAdd-Mode / Shift-Up)  Dimensions:60mm x 30mm Product DownloadsDMX-Adressmodul mit LED-DisplayBedienungsanleitung DMX-Adressmodul mit LED-DisplayUser Manual
Product number: 90-0881
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

DMX-LED-Dimmer MaxiRGB (SR)
 DMX-LED-Dimmer MaxiRGB (SR)The DMX-LED-Dimmer MaxiRGB is specially designed for driving RGB LED strips with 12V or 24V.The 3 separate LED outputs that are independently controllable via DMX can beused for RGB or separate single color LED stripes.Alternatively, internal color gradients can be called without external control.The operating voltage of the DMX-LED-Dimmer MaxiRGB is also the operating voltage of the LED-Stripes.SR-Version: With screw connectors Specifications  Power supply:12-24V DC / 50mA The supply voltage must correspond to the voltage for the LED stripe!  LED voltage:12-24V DC (no AC voltage !)  DMX Input:DMX512 / 3 channels  LED Output:3x (R/G/B) max. 10A each together max. 10A with common anode (+) common power supply  PWM resolution:256 steps (8-Bit), linear  PWM frequency:~240 Hz  StandAlone function:9 internal StandAlone-programs  Connectors:Screw connectors  Dimensions:70mm x 30 mm Product DownloadsDMX-LED-Dimmer MaxiRGB (SR)Bedienungsanleitung DMX-LED-Dimmer MaxiRGB (SR)User Manual
Product number: 90-3513
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

MiniPixx 3.5 RDM
 MiniPixx 3.5 RDMThe MiniPixx 3.5 RDM is the smallest DMX controller for digital LED stripes, which is available in different versions.The individual pixels of the digital LED strip can be controlled in the simplest way via DMX.Different versionsThe MiniPixx RDM is available in 3 different versions. Depending on the LED stripe,a version 3.5 / 4.5 (5V) or 4.12 (12V) is available.170 RGB-, 128 RGBW- or 512 single color pixelBy controlling via DMX, 170 pixels (RGB), 128 pixels (RGBW) or512 pixels (single color) can be controlled individually.RDM SupportThe MiniPixx RDM allows an RDM supported configuration via DMX.Pixel-SequencerWith the pixel sequencer different effects can be generated.Only a few DMX channels are necessary to customize the settings for the effects.Small DesignDue to the small size of only 12mm x 25mm, the MiniPixx RDM can be mounted directly at the beginning of the LED stripe.Selectable LED-ChipThe LED chip used in the connected digital LED strip can be selected. This allows the use with various digital LED stripes.Settable Color ReplayThe color sequence for RGB as well as RGBW LED stripes is adjustable for universal use.SingleColor-OptionVia a DMX universe up to 512 pixels can be controlled in single color.For this, the SingleColor Option must be selected, in which each pixel needs only one channel.Settable Pixel GroupThe MiniPixx RDM supports pixel groups with an adjustable length. Each pixel group behaves like a singlepixel that is controlled via 3 DMX channels (for RGB). This way channels can be saved in longer>  Specifications  Power supply:5V / 50mA from the connected digital LED stripe  Protocol:DMX512 RDM  Output Protocol:RGB(LED type)APA-104max. 512 Pixel GS8208max. 512 Pixel INK1002 / INK1003max. 512 Pixel LC8808(B)max. 512 Pixel LPD1886 - 8Bitmax. 512 Pixel LPD1886 12Bit (8Bit controlled)max. 341 Pixel LPD1886 12Bit (12Bit controlled)max. 341 Pixel SK6812 / SK6822max. 512 Pixel TLS3008 8Bitmax. 558 Pixel TM1804 / TM1812 / TM1829max. 512 Pixel UCS1903 / UCS1912max. 512 Pixel UCS2903 / UCS2912max. 512 Pixel UCS9812 (8Bit controlled)max. 292 Pixel UCS9812 (16Bit controlled)max. 292 Pixel WS2811 / WS2812(B) / WS2813 / WS2815 / WS2818max. 512 Pixel   RGBW SK6812max. 384 Pixel TM1814max. 382 Pixel UCS2912max. 384 Pixel    Color sequence:RGB (adjustable) SingleColor red, green, blue, white RGBW with UCS2912, SK6812, TM1814  Pixel groups:1 - 127  Max. number of pixel:170 Pixel (RGB) 128 Pixel (RGBW) 512 Pixel (Single Color)  Dimensions:12mm x 25mm Product DownloadsMiniPixx RDMBedienungsanleitung MiniPixx RDMUser Manual
Product number: 90-3604
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

MiniPixx 4.5 RDM
 MiniPixx 4.5 RDMThe MiniPixx 4.5 RDM is the smallest DMX controller for digital LED stripes, which is available in different versions.The individual pixels of the digital LED strip can be controlled in the simplest way via DMX.Different versionsThe MiniPixx RDM is available in 3 different versions. Depending on the LED stripe,a version 3.5 / 4.5 (5V) or 4.12 (12V) is available.170 RGB-, 128 RGBW- or 512 single color pixelBy controlling via DMX, 170 pixels (RGB), 128 pixels (RGBW) or512 pixels (single color) can be controlled individually.RDM SupportThe MiniPixx RDM allows an RDM supported configuration via DMX.Pixel-SequencerWith the pixel sequencer different effects can be generated.Only a few DMX channels are necessary to customize the settings for the effects.Small DesignDue to the small size of only 12mm x 25mm, the MiniPixx RDM can be mounted directly at the beginning of the LED stripe.Selectable LED-ChipThe LED chip used in the connected digital LED strip can be selected. This allows the use with various digital LED stripes.Settable Color ReplayThe color sequence for RGB as well as RGBW LED stripes is adjustable for universal use.SingleColor-OptionVia a DMX universe up to 512 pixels can be controlled in single color.For this, the SingleColor Option must be selected, in which each pixel needs only one channel.Settable Pixel GroupThe MiniPixx RDM supports pixel groups with an adjustable length. Each pixel group behaves like a singlepixel that is controlled via 3 DMX channels (for RGB). This way channels can be saved in longer>  Specifications  Power supply:5V / 50mA from the connected digital LED stripe  Protocol:DMX512 RDM  Output Protocol:RGB(LED type)APA-101max. 3071 Pixel APA-102max. 1534 Pixel APA-104max. 512 Pixel DycoLED PB3max. 3071 Pixel DycoLED PC5max. 192 Pixel GS8208max. 512 Pixel INK1002 / INK1003max. 512 Pixel LC8808(B)max. 512 Pixel LPD1101 / LPD6803max. 3071 Pixel LPD1886 - 8Bitmax. 512 Pixel LPD1886 12Bit (8Bit controlled)max. 341 Pixel LPD1886 12Bit (12Bit controlled)max. 341 Pixel LPD8806max. 2047 Pixel MagiarLED III flexmax. 1534 Pixel SK6812 / SK6822max. 512 Pixel SK9822max. 1534 Pixel TLS3008 8Bitmax. 558 Pixel TM1804 / TM1812 / TM1829max. 512 Pixel UCS1903 / UCS1912max. 512 Pixel UCS2903 / UCS2912max. 512 Pixel UCS9812 (8Bit controlled)max. 292 Pixel UCS9812 (16Bit controlled)max. 292 Pixel WS2801max. 2048 Pixel WS2811 / WS2812(B) / WS2813 / WS2815 / WS2818max. 512 Pixel   RGBW SK6812max. 384 Pixel TM1814max. 382 Pixel UCS2912max. 384 Pixel    Color sequence:RGB (adjustable) SingleColor red, green, blue, white RGBW with UCS2912, SK6812, TM1814  Pixel groups:1 - 127  Max. number of pixel:170 Pixel (RGB) 128 Pixel (RGBW) 512 Pixel (Single Color)  Dimensions:12mm x 25mm Product DownloadsMiniPixx RDMBedienungsanleitung MiniPixx RDMUser Manual
Product number: 90-3606
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days
