DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX und RDM-Technik Made in Germany
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DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany

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Alle unsere Eigenprodukte werden in Deutschland Entwickelt und auch komplett in unserem Hause produziert und gefertigt.
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DMX-Termination Resistor 3pin
 DMX-Abschlusswiderstand 3polA DMX termination resistor will be plugged in the final DMX-device to avoid disruptions by reflections. Specifications  Connector type:3-pol XLR Male  Termination resistor110Ohm with integrated 110Ohm reseistor
Product number: 10-1108
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

Delivery time: 1-3 days

DMX-Termination Resistor 5pin
 DMX-Abschlusswiderstand 5polA DMX termination resistor will be plugged in the final DMX-device to avoid disruptions by reflections. Specifications  Connector type:5-pin XLR Male  Termination resistor110Ohm
Product number: 10-1109
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

Delivery time: 1-3 days
