DMX4ALL GmbH - ARTNET-DMX und RDM-Technik Made in Germany
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DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany

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Cable for TWI Extension 4fold
 Kabel für TWI Extension 4fachThe Cable for TWI Extension 4fold is used to distribute the TWI bus signals SDA and SCL and the +5V supply and GND.At approximately 30cm long cable are at a distance of 10cm a total of 4 post sockets available.Compatible with: - DMX-Player L MK2 (Hardware version 2.2 or higher)- TWI analog extension- TWI program ddisplay extension Specifications  Execution:Cable with 4 post sockets  Number of poles:10  Distance between connectors:~ 10cm  Length:~ 31cm
Product number: 11-2029
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

TWI Analog Extension
 TWI Analog ExtensionThe TWI Analog Extension is an additional module available for DMX-Player L MK2to regulate the brightness or speed via a potentiometer.The jumper specifies whether brightness or speed is to be controlled.Several additional modules can be connected to the TWI-Connection, so with one TWI Analog Connectionthe brightness can be controlled and with another TWI-Connection the speed is adjustable. Specifications  Power supply:5V DC via TWI-Connection  Connection:10-pin header for TWI  Potentiometer-Connection:3 pin screw terminal RM5  Resolution:256 values  Dimensions:38mm x 16mm Product DownloadsTWI Analog ExtensionBedienungsanleitung TWI Analog ExtensionUser Manual
Product number: 40-9041
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

DCF77 Sensor
 DCF77 SensorThe DCF77 Sensor is a receiver of the DCF77 radio clock time signal.The DCF antenna is tuned to the DCF77 time transmitter near Frankfurt.Based on the output signal, time and date can be determined to the second withthe help of an external analysis unit.A suitable installation housing with IP protection is available as accessory for mounting. Specifications  Power supply:5-24V DC  Output:Received DCF77 signal  Receive frequency:77,5 kHz  Connections:screw terminals 3pin  Working temperature:-10°C up to 45°C  Dimension:66mm x 66mm Product DownloadsDCF77 SensorBedienungsanleitung DCF77 SensorUser Manual
Product number: 90-0900
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

DCF77 Key
 DCF77 KeyThe DCF77 Key is a component part for the ArtNet Player X and is neededfor the analysis of the DCF77 radio clock time signal.Furthermore, the DCF77 sensor is necessary to receive the DCF77 signal.With this component the ArtNet Player X receives an exact time signal for executionof stored timers. The change between winter and summer time takes place automatically. Specifications  Power supply:5V DC from TWI bus  Bus system:DMX4ALL TWI  Protocol:DCF77  Connections:Female connector 2x5pol 2,54mm  Dimension:30mm x 15mm Product DownloadsDCF77 KeyBedienungsanleitung DCF77 KeyUser Manual
Product number: 90-0904
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

TWI program display extension
 TWI Programmdisplay ExtensionThe TWI program display extension is an add-on module thatdisplays the currently running program.Furthermore there are 2 buttons for UP and DOWN to select the program. Specifications  Power supply:5V DC / 50mA  Display:4-digit 7-segment display  Program selection:2 buttons (UP/DOWN)  Connection:10-pin header for TWI  Dimensions:60mm x 30mm Product DownloadsTWI program display extensionBedienungsanleitung TWI program display extensionUser Manual
Product number: 40-9042
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

Our monthly offer DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX und RDM-Technik Made in Germany

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX und RDM-Technik Made in Germany

from 07.01.2025 to 31.01.2025 NEW YEAR SALE
"DMX-Splitter 4 RDM 25% Rabatt"
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