DMX4ALL GmbH - ARTNET-DMX und RDM-Technik Made in Germany
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DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany

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DMX-LED-Dimmer MaxiRGB
 DMX-LED-Dimmer MaxiRGBThe DMX-LED-Dimmer MaxiRGB is specially designed for driving RGB LED strips with 12V or 24V.The 3 separate LED outputs that are independently controllable via DMX can beused for RGB or separate single color LED stripes.Alternatively, internal color gradients can be called without external control.The operating voltage of the DMX-LED-Dimmer MaxiRGB is also the operating voltage of the LED-Stripes. Specifications  Power supply:12-24V DC / 50mA The supply voltage must correspond to the voltage for the LED stripe!  LED voltage:12-24V DC (no AC voltage !)  DMX Input:DMX512 / 3 channels  LED Output:3x (R/G/B) max. 10A each together max. 10A with common anode (+) common power supply  PWM resolution:256 steps (8-Bit), linear  PWM frequency:~240 Hz  StandAlone function:9 internal StandAlone-programs  Connectors:Solder points  Dimensions:70mm x 30 mm Product DownloadsDMX-LED-Dimmer MaxiRGBBedienungsanleitung DMX-LED-Dimmer MaxiRGBUser Manual
Product number: 90-3503
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

DMX-LED-Dimmer XS3
 DMX-LED-Dimmer XS3The DMX-LED-Dimmer XS3 is designed to control RGB orsingle-colour LED-Stripes with 12V or 24V.3 OutputsThe DMX-LED-Dimmer XS3 has three outputs to connect LEDs. All outputsare designed at the same, so single-colour or RGB LEDs can be connected.High Power OutputsThe outputs can drive a current up to 2A.So it is possible to connect a maximum load of 72W (12V) / 144W (24V).0% up to 100% dimmableThe connected LEDs are dimmed via PWM from 0% up to 100%.For voltages from 12V up to 24VThe DMX-LED-Dimmer XS3 runs with a power supply from 12V up to 24V.DMX-FAIL FunctionAn adjustable DMX-FAIL Function offers the option to get, in case oflost DMX signal, the current state (HOLD) or assuming a preset value.DMX-Master dimmerOptionally, another DMX channel can be activated as master dimmer (all outputs).RDM supportThe DMX-LED-Dimmer XS3 allows configuration by RDM via DMX.All parameters can be set with the RDM Configurator.Stand-Alone-FunctionThe DMX-LED-Dimmer XS3 has a user-programmable Stand-Alone-Function,to replay an internal program.LED-Status-DisplayThe DMX receiving is indicated via the LED status display. Specifications  Power supply:12-24V DC 50mA without load  LED voltage:12-24V DC (no AC voltage !)  Protocol:DMX512 RDM  DMX channels:3 / 4 / 5 channels depend on Personality  DMX-FAIL:Hold / 0%-100% / Stand-Alone  Output:3 PWM-Signals with 8 Bit resolution Common supply voltage  Output current:max. 2A per output max. 6A in sum for all outputs  Output power:3x 24W (12V) / 3x 48W (24V)  PWM-Frequency:244 Hz  StandAlone-Function:User-defined light program  Connections:Solder pads  Dimensions:12mm x 40mm Product DownloadsDMX-LED-Dimmer XS3Bedienungsanleitung DMX-LED-Dimmer XS3User Manual
Product number: 90-3373
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

DMX-LED-Dimmer MaxiRGB (SR)
 DMX-LED-Dimmer MaxiRGB (SR)The DMX-LED-Dimmer MaxiRGB is specially designed for driving RGB LED strips with 12V or 24V.The 3 separate LED outputs that are independently controllable via DMX can beused for RGB or separate single color LED stripes.Alternatively, internal color gradients can be called without external control.The operating voltage of the DMX-LED-Dimmer MaxiRGB is also the operating voltage of the LED-Stripes.SR-Version: With screw connectors Specifications  Power supply:12-24V DC / 50mA The supply voltage must correspond to the voltage for the LED stripe!  LED voltage:12-24V DC (no AC voltage !)  DMX Input:DMX512 / 3 channels  LED Output:3x (R/G/B) max. 10A each together max. 10A with common anode (+) common power supply  PWM resolution:256 steps (8-Bit), linear  PWM frequency:~240 Hz  StandAlone function:9 internal StandAlone-programs  Connectors:Screw connectors  Dimensions:70mm x 30 mm Product DownloadsDMX-LED-Dimmer MaxiRGB (SR)Bedienungsanleitung DMX-LED-Dimmer MaxiRGB (SR)User Manual
Product number: 90-3513
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

DMX-LED-Dimmer CC1
 DMX-LED-Dimmer CC1The DMX-LED-Dimmer CC1 is designed for controlling LEDs, which are operated with constant current and works with up to 48V DC.Output with selectable constant current modulesDifferent constant current modules with different output currents are available for connection.The constant current modules are available as accessories and are not included in the scope of delivery.Power supply from 12V up to 48VThe DMX-LED Dimmer CC1 works with supply voltages from 12V to 48V.0% to 100%The connected LEDs can be dimmed via PWM of 0% up to 100%.DMX FAIL-FunctionAn adjustable DMX FAIL-Function offers the option to hold the current state (HOLD)or to adopt a predefined value if the DMX signal fails.RDM supportThe DMX-LED-Dimmer CC1 the configuration via RDM or DMX.Top hat rail mounting availableSuitable for the DMX-LED-Dimmer CC1 the DIN rail housing 350 is available as accessory. Specifications  Power supply:9-48V DC 20mA@12V; 11mA/24V; 6mA@48V (without LED driver)  Protocol:DMX512 / RDM  DMX channels1 DMX channel  DMX-FAIL:HOLD / 0-100%  Output:1 current regulated output (8 bit controlled) (Output current depends on the LED driver module)  PWM-Frequency:244 Hz  Dimensions:29,2mm x 82mm Product DownloadsDMX-LED-Dimmer CC1Bedienungsanleitung DMX-LED-Dimmer CC1User Manual
Product number: 90-3701
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

DMX-LED-Dimmer CC4
 DMX-LED-Dimmer CC4The DMX-LED-Dimmer CC4 is designed for controlling LEDs, which are operatedwith constant current and works with up to 48V DC.4 outputs with choose able constant current modulesDifferent constant current modules with different output currents are available for plug-on.The constant current modules are available as accessories and are not included in the scope of delivery.For voltages from 12V up to 24VThe DMX-LED-Dimmer CC4 works with supply voltages from 12V up to 24V DC.DMX FAIL-FunctionAn adjustable DMX FAIL function offers the option to hold the current state (HOLD)or to adopt a predefined value if the DMX signal fails.LED state displayThe DMX state is indicated via the LED status.DMX-MasterdimmerOptionally an additional DMX channel can be activated as master dimmer.0% up to 100% dimmableThe connected LEDs are dimmed from 0% up to 100% via PWM.RDM supportThe DMX-LED-Dimmer CC4 allows configuration by RDM via DMX.Top-hat rail housing availableThe top-hat rail housing 1050 is available as accessory for the DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HR.Together with the top-hat rail housing 1050, the interface is optimally suited for control cabinet installation. Specifications  Power supply:9-48V DC / 20mA@12V; 11mA/24V; 6mA@48V (without LED driver)  Output voltage:Depends on the constant current module used  Output current:Depends on the constant current module used  Protocol:DMX512 RDM  DMX-Channels:4 / 5 channels  DMX-FAIL:HOLD / ALL OFF / ALL ON  Masterdimmer:can be enabled  PWM-Frequency:244 Hz  Connections:Screw terminals  Dimensions:99mm x 82mm Product DownloadsDMX-LED-Dimmer CC4Bedienungsanleitung DMX-LED-Dimmer CC4User Manual
Product number: 90-3704
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

DMX-LED-Dimmer 4
 DMX-LED-Dimmer 4The DMX-LED-Dimmer 4 is a compact LED-Dimmer with 4 seperate LED-outputs.These can be used for RGB/ RGB+W or for single color stripes.The connectors for LED,power supply and DMX are made with removable screw terminals.Can be used from 12V to 48VThe DMX-LED Dimmer 4 can be used in a wide power supply range from 12V to 48V.High Power OutputsThe outputs can drive a current up to 10A.So it is possible to connect a maximum load of 120W (12V) / 240W (24V) / 240W (48V).Customizable LookUp tablesThe DMX-LED-Dimmer 4 has one LookUp-Table per output.The definition of the LookUp tables is done via the USB port using theprogram DMX-Configurator, which is available as a free download.Removable screw terminalsThe DMX-LED Dimmer 4 is designed with removable screw terminals.16 Million ColorsWith the RGB-LED-Stripe up to 16 million colours can be adjusted.By using an additional single color white stripe it is possible to makecolor neutral illuminations or pastel colours.Firmware-Update-FunctionIn order to take advantage of future features, the DMX-LED-Dimmer 4 has a firmware update function. Art-Net ™ Designed by and Copyright Artistic Licence Holdings Ltd. Specifications  Power supply:12-48V DC / 50mA without load (=LED voltage)  LED voltage:12-48V DC (no AC voltage !) (=power supply voltage)  DMX-IN:4 channels + optional Master-Dimmer-Channel  DMX-Fail:Hold / Off / On  Ausgang:4 PWM-Signal with 16 Bit resolution common supply voltage  Output current:max. 10A each output with 12V or 24V max. 5A each output with 48V max. 10A in sum through all outputs  Output :120W (12V) / 240W (24V) / 240W (48V)  PWM-Frequency:244 Hz / 4kHz  Master-Dimmer:None / Masterdimmer / System-Masterdimmer  StandAlone-Function:9 internal StandAlone-Programs  Dimensions:80mm x 50,5mm Product DownloadsDMX-LED-Dimmer 4Bedienungsanleitung DMX-LED-Dimmer 4User Manual DMX-LED-Dimmer 4USB Driver - Version DMX-LED-Dimmer 4Firmware Software & ToolsDMX-Configurator V2Windows 32 & 64bit DMX-Configurator V2Bedienungsanleitung DMX-Configurator V2User Manual
Product number: 90-3514
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

DMX-LED-Dimmer 16xRGB
 DMX-LED-Dimmer 16xRGBThe DMX-LED-Dimmer 16xRGB has 48 outputs which are summarized in 16 RGB groups.Each output is optimal for all RGB-LED-stripes but can be also used for unicoloured LED-stripes.The global master-dimmer (all outputs) or one master-dimmer per RGB-group can be activated.The global master-dimmer can be fixed to the DMX-address 1 as system-master-dimmer. Specifications  Power supply:7-24V DC / 100mA (without connected load)  Input:DMX512 / 48 up to 64 channels  Output:48 PWM-outputs per up to 2A (together 14A)  PWM-Frequency:120 Hz  Dimensions:100 x 60 mm Product DownloadsDMX-LED-Dimmer 16xRGBBedienungsanleitung DMX-LED-Dimmer 16xRGBUser Manual
Product number: 90-3348
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

DMX-LED-Dimmer X9
 DMX-LED-Dimmer X9The DMX-LED-Dimmer X9 is especially designed for controlling RGB LED-Stripes.The dimmer has 9 PWM-Outputs (3xRGB) independently controllable via DMX.9 OutputsThe DMX-LED-Dimmer X9 has 9 outputs to which LEDs can be connected.All outputs are designed in the same way so single color, RGB or RGBW LEDs can be connected.High Power OutputsThe outputs can drive a current up to 10A.So it is possible to connect a maximum load of 120W (12V) / 240W (24V)0% bis 100% dimmableThe connected LEDs are dimmed by PWM from 0% to 100%.For voltages from 12V up to 24VThe DMX-LED-Dimmer X9 operates with supply voltages from 12V up to 24V. The LED voltage canbe different per output so that one DMX-LED-Dimmer X9 can control different LED systems.DMX-FAIL FunctionAn adjustable DMX FAIL function offers the option to get in case of lostDMX signal the current state (HOLD) or assuming a preset value.RDM supportThe DMX-LED-Dimmer X9 allows configuration by RDM via DMX.LED-State DisplayThe DMX state is indicated via the LED status.Stand-Alone FunctionAs an alternative to DMX control, internal color sequences can be called upvia the address switch without external DMX control.Top hat rail housing availableThe top-hat rail housing 1050 is available as accessory for the DMX-LED-Dimmer X9. Specifications  Power supply:7-24V DC 80mA@12V / 100mA@24V (without connected LED load)  LED voltage:7-24V DC (no AC voltage !)  Protocol:DMX512 RDM  DMX channels:9 channels with 8Bit-controlling  DMX-FAIL:Hold / 0%-100%  Output:9 PWM-signal with 8Bit-resolution Common supply voltage  Output current:max. 10A each output In sum 90A with all GND connections  Output power:9x 120W (12V) / 9x 240W (24V)  PWM-Frequency:244 Hz  Energy-Save output:Control output for switching off the load power supply units  StandAlone function:9 internal StandAlone programs  Connections:Screw terminals  Dimensions:99mm x 82 mm Product DownloadsDMX-LED-Dimmer X9Bedienungsanleitung DMX-LED-Dimmer X9User Manual
Product number: 90-3309
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

ArtNet-LED-Dimmer CC4
 ArtNet-LED-Dimmer CC4The ArtNet-LED-Dimmer CC4 is designed for controlling LEDs,which are operated with constant current and works with up to 48V DC.4 Outputs with selectable constant current modulesSeveral constant current modules with different output currents to insert are available.The constant current modules are available as accessory and not included in delivery.For power supply from 12V up to 48VThe ArtNet-LED-Dimmer CC4 works with a power supply of 12V up to 48V.DMX or Art-Net™The ArtNet-LED-Dimmer CC4 can be controlled via DMX or ArtNet (DMX over Ethernet).Which signal is used prior can be selected.DMX-FAIL FunctionA DMX-FAIL-Function, which can be activated optionally, leaves the status unchangedin case of a DMX-Signal failure, turns off the output OFF (0%) or ON (100%).Disengageable LED-DisplaysThe LED-Displays at the ArtNet-LED-Dimmer CC4 can be disengaged viaArtNet-Command (AcLedMute) or time controlled. This is very helpfulto avoid disturbing “lights points” e.g. on stage.10 User defined Color Changes / ProgramsThe ArtNet-LED-Dimmer CC4 offers 10 user defined color changes.These can be created via a web browser or via the Android App „DMX4ALL Remote“.Test Function for Service PurposesFor test and service purposes it is possible to switch on the single outputs viathe web interface. So each output can be checked without an external control.Easy ConfigurationAn user friendly configuration via web browser allows a fast and uncomplicated settingof all parameters. No special software is necessary, a standard web browser is enough.So, anytime the configuration is possible from PC, Smartphone or tablet.For an easy setting of the IP we provide the IP-Configurator as PC-Tool or Android-App for free.The network settings can be leaved unchanged and the IP can be configured without any problems.Firmware-Update-FunctionTo use future functions the ArtNet-LED-Dimmer CC4 offers a Firmware-Update-Function.The update can be started from a web browser, so no direct access to the device is necessary! Specifications  Power supply:9-48V DC / 150mA@12V; 80mA/24V; 60mA@48V (Current consumption without LED-Driver)  Ethernet:RJ45 (Art-Net™)  DMX:3pin screw terminal  DMX-Kanäle4 Channels (without master dimmer) 5 Channels (with master dimmer)  DMX-FAIL:HOLD / ALL OFF / ALL ON  Masterdimmer:activatable  Output:4 current regulated output (8 bit controlled) (Output current depends on the LED driver module)  PWM-Frequency:244 Hz  USB connector:5V / 500mA for power supply external devices (e.g. WLAN-Bridge)  Dimensions:99mm x 82mm  Constant current modules:Constant current LED-Driver LDD-H(available as an accessory)Constant current LED-Driver NLDD-H Product DownloadsArtNet-LED-Dimmer CC4Bedienungsanleitung ArtNet-LED-Dimmer CC4User Manual ArtNet-LED-Dimmer CC4Firmware
Product number: 90-3794
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

ArtNet-LED-Dimmer 4 MK2
 ArtNet-LED-Dimmer 4 MK2The ArtNet-LED-Dimmer 4 MK2 is a compact LED-Dimmer controlling 4 separate LED outputs.These can be used for RGB+W or for single, single-colored LED-Stripes.The LEDs connection occurs via removable screw clamps.Via a RJ45-Connection occurs the connection to Ethernet (ArtNet net work).High Power OutputsThe outputs can drive a current of 10A.So, a load of maximum 120W (12V) or rather 240W (24V) results.10 user defined color changes/programsThe ArtNet-LED-Dimmer 4 MK2 offers more than 10 user defined color changes.These can be created via the web browser or the Android App „DMX4ALL Remote“.Disengageable LED-Display The LED-Displays at the ArtNet-LED-Dimmer 4 MK2 are disengageablevia ArtNet-Command (AcLedMute) or time-controlled.Most of all this is very helpful on stages to avoid disturbing “light-points”.Easy configuration A user friendly configuration via a web browser allows a fast and uncomplicated settingof all parameters. No special software is necessary, a standard web browser is enough.So, the configuration is possible every time from PC, Smartphone or tablet.For an easy setting of the IP we provide the IP-Configurator as PC-Tool or Android-App for free.The network settings can be leaved unchanged and the IP can be configured without any problems.Controlling via browser or App with Colorwheel / Slider The output control is available via an integrated web interface with a Colorwheel.Alternatively each other app which supports Art-Net can be used.Firmware-Update-Function To use future functions the ArtNet-LED-Dimmer 4 MK2 offers a Firmware-Update-Function.This can be started from a web browser, so that no direct access to the device is necessary!DMX4ALL Communication-Interface The ArtNet-LED-Dimmer 4 MK2 has a further TCP-Communication-Interface.This interface uses the DMX4ALL-Commands with TCP-Commands via TCP-Packages to Port 10001. Art-Net ™ Designed by and Copyright Artistic Licence Holdings Ltd. Specifications  Power supply:12-24V DC / 100mA (=LED voltage)  LED voltage:12-24V DC (no AC voltage !)  Connection:RJ45 Ethernet  LED-connection:R/G/B + W screw terminals max. 10A with common anode (+)  USB-connection:5V / 500mA for power supply external devices (e.g. WLAN-bridge)  PWM-Frequency:250 Hz  Dimensions:115mm x 54mm x 23mm DMX4ALL Commands  Protocol:Art-Net 3 ™ DMX4ALL Commands Product DownloadsArtNet-LED Dimmer 4 MK2Bedienungsanleitung ArtNet-LED Dimmer 4 MK2User Manual ArtNet-LED Dimmer 4 MK2Firmware Software & ToolsIP Configurator (ArtNet Produkte)Windows 32 & 64bit IP ConfiguratorAnwendungshinweis IP ConfiguratorApplication Note
Product number: 90-3114
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

 DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HRThe DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HR is especially designed for controlling RGB LED-Stripes.The dimmer has 9 High-Resolution PWM-Outputs (3xRGB) independently controllable via DMX.9 OutputsThe DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HR has 9 outputs to which LEDs can be connected.All outputs are designed in the same way so single color, RGB or RGBW LEDs can be connected.High Power OutputsThe outputs can drive a current up to 10A.So it is possible to connect a maximum load of 120W (12V) / 240W (24V)0% bis 100% dimmableThe connected LEDs are dimmed by PWM from 0% to 100%.For voltages from 12V up to 24VThe DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HR operates with supply voltages from 12V up to 24V. The LED voltage canbe different per output so that one DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HR can control different LED systems.DMX-FAIL FunctionAn adjustable DMX FAIL function offers the option to get in case of lostDMX signal the current state (HOLD) or assuming a preset value.DMX-Master DimmerOptionally, another DMX channel can be activated as Master Dimmer (all outputs)or one master dimmer per RGB group. The global master dimmer is fixed atDMX address 1 and can be used as system master dimmer.Adjustable dimming curveThe dimming curves can be configured individually for each output.RDM supportThe DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HR allows configuration by RDM via DMX.SubDevice-ModeIn SubDevice mode, each output is assigned its own DMX address and DMX FAIL behavior via RDM.LED-State DisplayThe DMX state is indicated via the LED status.Firmware-Update-FunctionTo use future functions, the DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HR offers a firmware update function.Top hat rail housing availableThe top-hat rail housing 1050 is available as accessory for the DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HR. Specifications  Power supply:7-24V DC 80mA@12V / 100mA@24V (without load)  LED voltage:7-24V DC (no AC voltage !)  Protocol:DMX512 RDM  DMX channels:9 channels with 8Bit-Mode 18 channels with 16Bit-Mode + optional Master-Dimmer-Channels  Masterdimmer:None / Global / RGB / System  DMX-FAIL:Hold / 0%-100%  8bit ModePWM-Frequency 488 Hz with LookUp-Table 2 kHz or 4 kHz without LookUp-Table  16bit ModePWM-Frequency 488 Hz without LookUp-Table  Output:9 PWM-signal common supply voltage anode (PLUS)  Output current:max. 10A each output In sum 90A with all GND connections  Output power:9x 120W (12V) / 9x 240W (24V)  Energy-Save output:Control output for switching off the load power supply units  StandAlone function:9 internal StandAlone programs  Connections:Screw terminals  Dimensions:99mm x 82 mm Produkt DownloadsDMX-LED-Dimmer X9HRBedienungsanleitung DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HRUser Manual DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HRUSB Driver (ab V2.2)Version DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HRFirmware (ab V2.2) Software & ToolsDMX-Configurator V2Windows 32 & 64bit DMX-Configurator V2Bedienungsanleitung DMX-Configurator V2User Manual
Product number: 90-3409
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

DMX-LED-Dimmer BB4
<table width="800" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">  <tr>    <td><img src="" align="absmiddle"><span style="font-size: large;"><strong>&nbsp;DMX-LED-Dimmer BB4</strong></span></td>  </tr></table><br>The DMX-LED-Dimmer BB4 is designed to control LEDs, which operate with<br>constant current and works with up to 24V of the LED voltage.<br><br><br><strong>Regulable output current</strong><br>The DMX LED Dimmer BB4 has 4 outputs where the LEDs are operated with a<br>current of 0 to 330mA-1500mA. The level of the output current can be adjusted via DMX.<br><br><strong>Voltages up to 24V</strong><br>The DMX-LED-Dimmer BB4 works with supply voltages up to 24V.<br><br><strong>DMX-FAIL Function</strong><br>An adjustable DMX FAIL function offers the option to hold the current state (HOLD)<br>or to take a preset value in case of a failed DMX signal.<br><br><strong>DMX-Master-Dimmer</strong><br>The DMX-LED-Dimmer BB4 has various Master Dimmers.<br><br><strong>Up to 1024 brightness steps</strong><br>Each output driver has a resolution of 1024 steps in which the output<br>current is controlled. The special driver design allows a constant current<br>which is not modulated by a PWM for the dimming process.<br><br><strong>Two adjustable operation modes</strong><br>Control with 2 DMX channels per output, the first DMX channel allows<br>coarse control and the second DMX channel allows fine control.<br><br><strong>Settable dim curve</strong><br>The dimming curves are freely configurable for each output.<br><br><strong>RDM support</strong><br>The DMX LED dimmer X9HR allows configuration via RDM over DMX.<br><br><strong>LED-State-Display</strong><br>The integrated multifunctional display shows the current status of the device.<br><br><strong>Suitable for top hat rail mounting</strong><br>The top-hat rail housing 1050 is available as optional accessory for the DMX-LED-Dimmer BB4.<br><br><br><img class="dmxmadein" src="" border="0"><br><br><br><!-- Specifications --><table width="800" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">  <tr>    <td><img src="" border="0" align="absmiddle"><span style="font-size: large;"><strong> ArtNet Player 4</strong></span></td>  </tr></table><table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">  <tr>    <td width="300">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="500">&nbsp;</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>Power supply:</td>    <td>8-24V DC (maximum 26V)</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>&nbsp;</td>    <td>50mA (without connected load)</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>&nbsp;</td>    <td>&nbsp;</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>Drop voltage:</td>    <td>max. 2V</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>&nbsp;</td>    <td>&nbsp;</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>Output current:</td>    <td>4x 0 – settable output current (330mA – 1500mA)</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>&nbsp;</td>    <td>Sustained short circuit / 1024 steps at each output</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>&nbsp;</td>    <td>&nbsp;</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>Protokoll:</td>    <td>DMX512</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>&nbsp;</td>    <td>RDM</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>&nbsp;</td>    <td>&nbsp;</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>DMX channels:</td>    <td>4 channels with 8Bit control and Lookup table</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>&nbsp;</td>    <td>8 channels with 10Bit control</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>&nbsp;</td>    <td>&nbsp;</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>DMX-FAIL:</td>    <td>Hold / 0%-100%</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>&nbsp;</td>    <td>&nbsp;</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>Masterdimmer:</td>    <td>Kein / Global / System</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>&nbsp;</td>    <td>&nbsp;</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>PWM-Frequency:</td>    <td>no PWM on output</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>&nbsp;</td>    <td>&nbsp;</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>StandAlone-Function:</td>    <td>9 internal StandAlone programs</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>&nbsp;</td>    <td>Switching on individual outputs</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>&nbsp;</td>    <td>&nbsp;</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>Operation temperature:</td>    <td>0°C up to +45°C</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>&nbsp;</td>    <td>Thermal overload protection per output</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>&nbsp;</td>    <td>&nbsp;</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>Connection:</td>    <td>Screw terminals</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>&nbsp;</td>    <td>&nbsp;</td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td>Dimensions:</td>    <td>99mm x 82mm x 47mm</td>  </tr></table><br><!-- Produkt Downloads --><table width="800" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">  <tr>    <td><img src="" align="absmiddle"><span style="font-size: large;"><strong>&nbsp;Product Downloads</strong></span></td>  </tr></table><div id="dmx4all-buttons">  <a class="document-button" onfocus="this.blur()" href="" target="_blank">DMX-LED-Dimmer BB4<br>  <span><span class="german-lang">Bedienungsanleitung</span></span></a>  <br>  <a class="document-button" onfocus="this.blur()" href="" target="_blank">DMX-LED-Dimmer BB4<br>  <span><span class="english-lang">User Manual</span></span></a></div>
Product number: 90-0384
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

ArtNet-LED-Dimmer 4 MK2+
 ArtNet-LED-Dimmer 4 MK2+The ArtNet-LED-Dimmer 4 MK2 is a compact LED-Dimmer controlling 4 separate LED outputs.These can be used for RGB+W or for single, single-colored LED-Stripes.The LEDs connection occurs via removable screw clamps.Via a RJ45-Connection occurs the connection to Ethernet (ArtNet net work).High Power OutputsThe outputs can drive a current of 10A.So, a load of maximum 120W (12V) or rather 240W (24V) results.10 user defined color changes/programsThe ArtNet-LED-Dimmer 4 MK2 offers more than 10 user defined color changes.These can be created via the web browser or the Android App „DMX4ALL Remote“.Disengageable LED-Display The LED-Displays at the ArtNet-LED-Dimmer 4 MK2 are disengageablevia ArtNet-Command (AcLedMute) or time-controlled.Most of all this is very helpful on stages to avoid disturbing “light-points”.Easy configuration A user friendly configuration via a web browser allows a fast and uncomplicated settingof all parameters. No special software is necessary, a standard web browser is enough.So, the configuration is possible every time from PC, Smartphone or tablet.For an easy setting of the IP we provide the IP-Configurator as PC-Tool or Android-App for free.The network settings can be leaved unchanged and the IP can be configured without any problems.Controlling via browser or App with Colorwheel / Slider The output control is available via an integrated web interface with a Colorwheel.Alternatively each other app which supports Art-Net can be used.High quality and compact design The ArtNet-LED-Dimmer 4+ MK2 is manufactured with removable clamps.Furthermore, the ArtNet LED Dimmer 4+ MK2 is mounted in a compact aluminum housing.Firmware-Update-Function To use future functions the ArtNet-LED-Dimmer 4 MK2 offers a Firmware-Update-Function.This can be started from a web browser, so that no direct access to the device is necessary!DMX4ALL Communication-Interface The ArtNet-LED-Dimmer 4 MK2 has a further TCP-Communication-Interface.This interface uses the DMX4ALL-Commands with TCP-Commands via TCP-Packages to Port 10001. Art-Net ™ Designed by and Copyright Artistic Licence Holdings Ltd. Specifications  Power supply:12-24V DC / 100mA (=LED voltage)  LED voltage:12-24V DC (no AC voltage !)  Connection:RJ45 Ethernet  LED-connection:R/G/B + W screw terminals max. 10A with common anode (+)  USB-connection:5V / 500mA for power supply external devices (e.g. WLAN-bridge)  PWM-Frequency:250 Hz  Dimensions:115mm x 74mm x 23mm  Protocol:Art-Net 3 ™ DMX4ALL Commands Product DownloadsArtNet-LED Dimmer 4 MK2+Bedienungsanleitung ArtNet-LED Dimmer 4 MK2+User Manual ArtNet-LED Dimmer 4 MK2+Firmware Software & ToolsIP Configurator (ArtNet Produkte)Windows 32 & 64bit IP ConfiguratorAnwendungshinweis IP ConfiguratorApplication Note
Product number: 99-3114
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HR+
 DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HR+The DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HR+ is especially designed for controlling RGB LED-Stripes.The dimmer has 9 High-Resolution PWM-Outputs (3xRGB) independently controllable via DMX.9 OutputsThe DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HR+ has 9 outputs to which LEDs can be connected.All outputs are designed in the same way so single color, RGB or RGBW LEDs can be connected.High Power OutputsThe outputs can drive a current up to 10A.So it is possible to connect a maximum load of 120W (12V) / 240W (24V).0% to 100% dimmableThe connected LEDs are dimmed by PWM from 0% to 100%.For voltages from 12V up to 24VThe DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HR+ operates with supply voltages from 12V up to 24V.The LED voltage can be different per output so that one DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HR can control different LED systems.DMX-FAIL FunctionAn adjustable DMX FAIL function offers the option to get in case of lost DMX signal thecurrent state (HOLD) or to adopt a predefined value if the DMX signal fails.DMX-Master DimmerOptionally, another DMX channel can be activated as Master Dimmer (all outputs) orone master dimmer per RGB group. The global master dimmer is fixed at DMX address 1 andcan be used as system master dimmer.Adjustable dimming curveThe dimming curves can be configured individually for each output.RDM supportThe DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HR+ allows configuration by RDM via DMX.SubDevice-ModeWithin the SubDevice Mode, each output is assigned its own DMX address and DMX FAIL behavior via RDM.Touch-ControlThe DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HR+ is designed with 3 touch fields for operation and a 7-segment display.RGB-Status displayVia a RGB status display the DMX reception is shown.Firmware-Update-FunctionTo use future functions, the DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HR+ offers a firmware update function. Specifications  Power supply:7-24V DC 100mA@12V / 150mA@24V (without load)  LED voltage:7-24V DC (no AC voltage !)  Protocol:DMX512 RDM  DMX channels:9 channels with 8Bit-controlling and LookUp-Table 18 channels with 16Bit-controlling + optional Master-Dimmer-Channels  Output:9 PWM-signal common supply voltage anode (PLUS)  8bit ModePWM-Frequency 488 Hz with LookUp-Table 2 kHz or 4 kHz without LookUp-Table  16bit ModePWM-Frequency 488 Hz without LookUp-Table  Masterdimmer:None / Global / RGB / System  DMX-FAIL:Hold / 0%-100%  Output current:max. 10A each output In sum 90A with all GND connections  Output power:9x 120W (12V) / 9x 240W (24V)  CTRL output:Control output for switching off the load power supply units (Energy-Save)  StandAlone function:9 internal StandAlone programs  Display:7 segment display RGB LED  TOUCH-Control:3 touch buttons  Connectors:Screw terminals  Dimensions:105mm x 90mm x 60mm Produkt DownloadsDMX-LED-Dimmer X9 HR+Bedienungsanleitung DMX-LED-Dimmer X9 HR+User Manual DMX-LED-Dimmer X9 HR+USB DriverVersion DMX-LED-Dimmer X9 HR+Firmware Software & ToolsDMX-Configurator V2Windows 32 & 64bit DMX-Configurator V2Bedienungsanleitung DMX-Configurator V2User Manual
Product number: 99-3409
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

ArtNet-LED-Dimmer 6
 ArtNet-LED-Dimmer 6The ArtNet Dimmer 6 is a compact LED-Dimmer with 6 seperate LED-outputs.These can be used for RGB/ RGB+W / RGB + W WW or for single color stripes.High Power OutputsEach output can drive a current up to 10A.So it is possible to connect a maximum load on ecah output of 120W (12V) or 240W (24V).16 Million ColorsWith the RGB-LED-Stripe up to 16 million colours can be adjusted.By using an additional single color white stripe it is possible to makecolor neutral illuminations or pastel colours.NEW: User Configurable Color ProgrammsThe ArtNet-LED Dimmer 6 has also 10 user configurable color programms whichcan be defined via the webbrowsr or the Android App „DMX4ALL Remote“.User-friendly ConfigurationA user-friendly configuration via a web browser allows a fast and uncomplicated setting of all parameters.Power Supply for WiFi BridgeIn addition the ArtNet-Dimmer 6 has a USB connector providing a power supplywith 5V/500mA for external devices e.x. a WiFi-bridge.As WLAN-bridge we suggest: TP-Link TL-WR702N or TP-Link TL-WR802NControll with AppThe controll of this device is possible by using the free Android-App "DMX Remote".Firmware-Update-FunctionIn order to take advantage of future features, the ArtNet-LED-Dimmer 6 has a firmware update function.This can be launched from the browser so that no access to the device is necessary!DMX4ALL-Command interfaceThe ArtNet-LED-Dimmer 6 has another TCP communication interface.This interface uses the DMX4ALL-commands via TCP packets. Art-Net ™ Designed by and Copyright Artistic Licence Holdings Ltd. Specifications  Power supply:12-24V DC / 100mA  LED voltage:12-24V DC (no AC voltage !)  Connection:RJ45 Ethernet  LED-connection:6 outputs max. 10A per output (in total 60A) common anode (+)  USB-connection:5V / 500mA for power supply external devices (e.g. WLAN-bridge)  PWM-Frequency:250Hz / 500Hz / 1000Hz / 2000 Hz  Dimensions:64,2 x 82 x 20 mm  Protocol:Art-Net 3 ™ DMX4ALL Commands Product DownloadsArtNet-LED Dimmer 6Bedienungsanleitung ArtNet-LED Dimmer 6User Manual ArtNet-LED Dimmer 6Firmware Software & ToolsIP Configurator (ArtNet Produkte)Windows 32 & 64bit IP ConfiguratorAnwendungshinweis IP ConfiguratorApplication Note DMX4ALL CommandsDMX4ALL Commands for Devolopment
Product number: 90-3106
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

 DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HRXThe DMX LED Dimmer X9HRX is a 9-channel LED driver with 16-bit grayscale adaptive pulse density modulation (APDM)and a high output frequency of up to 8kHz at the same time.Thanks to the special APDM technology in combination with the optimized 48V LED drivers,the DMX LED dimmer X9HRX is perfectly suited for controlling RGB, RGBW or even single-color W stripes.9 OutputsThe DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HRX has 9 outputs to which LEDs can be connected.All outputs are designed in the same way so single color, RGB or RGBW LEDs can be connected.High Power OutputsThe outputs can drive a current up to 10A. So it is possible to connect a maximum loadof 120W (12V) / 240W (24V) / 240W (48V).High efficiencyThe 48V LED drivers are designed to allow the DMX LED Dimmer X9HRXto operate without active cooling (no fan).0% up to 100% dimmableThe connected LEDs are dimmed by APDM from 0% to 100%.For voltages from 12V up to 48VThe DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HRX operates with supply voltages from 12V up to 48V.The LED voltage can be different per output so that one DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HRX can control different LED systems.DMX-FAIL FunctionAn adjustable DMX FAIL function offers the option to get in case of loss DMX signalthe current state (HOLD) or predefined a preset value.DMX-Master DimmerOptionally, another DMX channel can be activated as Master Dimmer (all outputs)or one master dimmer per RGB/RGBW group.Adjustable Output FrequencyThe output frequency at the LED outputs can be adjusted between 500Hz and 8000Hz via RDM.Adjustable Dimming CurveThe dimming curves can be configured individually for each output.RDM SupportThe DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HRX allows configuration by RDM via DMX.Free RDM-SoftwareTo set the parameters via RDM, our free RDM Configurator software is availableto download from our website SubDevice mode, each output is assigned its own DMX address and DMX FAIL behavior via RDM.RGB-Status-DisplayThe device status is shown via the RGB status display.Firmware-Update-FunctionIn order to be able to use future functions, the DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HRX offersa firmware update function both via USB and RDM.Top hat rail housing availableThe top-hat rail housing 1050 is available as accessory for the DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HRXand therefore ideally suited for switch cabinet installation. Specifications  Power supply:12-48V DC 80mA@12V / 100mA@24V (without load)  LED voltage:12-48V DC (no AC voltage !)  Protocol:DMX512 RDM  DMX channels:9 channels with 8Bit-controlling and Curve-Definition 18 channels with 16Bit-Mode + optional Master-Dimmer-Channels  DMX-FAIL:Hold / 0%-100%  Output:9 PWM-signal with 16Bit-resolution and APDM (Adaptive Pulse Density Modulation) common supply voltage  Output current:max. 10A each output In sum 90A with all GND connections  Output power:9x 120W (12V) / 9x 240W (24V) / 9x 240W (48V)  Masterdimmer:None / Global / RGB / RGBW  PWM frequency:500Hz / 1kHz / 2kHz / 4kHz / 8kHz  CTRL Output:Control output for switching off the load power supply units (Energy-Save)  StandAlone function:9 internal Stand-Alone programs  Display:RGB LED  Connections:Screw terminals  Dimensions:99mm x 82mm Produkt DownloadsDMX-LED-Dimmer X9HRXBedienungsanleitung DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HRXUser Manual DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HRXUSB DriverVersion DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HRXFirmware Software & ToolsDMX-Configurator V2Windows 32 & 64bit DMX-Configurator V2Bedienungsanleitung DMX-Configurator V2User Manual
Product number: 90-3509
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

 DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HRX+The DMX LED Dimmer X9HRX+ is a 9-channel LED driver with 16-bit grayscale adaptive pulse density modulation (APDM)and a high output frequency of up to 8kHz at the same time.Thanks to the special APDM technology in combination with the optimized 48V LED drivers,the DMX LED dimmer X9HRX+ is perfectly suited for controlling RGB, RGBW or even single-color W stripes.9 OutputsThe DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HRX+ has 9 outputs to which LEDs can be connected.All outputs are designed in the same way so single color, RGB or RGBW LEDs can be connected.High Power OutputsThe outputs can drive a current up to 10A. So it is possible to connect a maximum loadof 120W (12V) / 240W (24V) / 240W (48V).High efficiencyThe 48V LED drivers are designed to allow the DMX LED Dimmer X9HRX+to operate without active cooling (no fan).0% up to 100% dimmableThe connected LEDs are dimmed by APDM from 0% to 100%.For voltages from 12V up to 48VThe DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HRX+ operates with supply voltages from 12V up to 48V.The LED voltage can be different per output so that one DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HRX+ can control different LED systems.DMX-FAIL FunctionAn adjustable DMX FAIL function offers the option to get in case of loss DMX signalthe current state (HOLD) or predefined a preset value.DMX-Master DimmerOptionally, another DMX channel can be activated as Master Dimmer (all outputs)or one master dimmer per RGB/RGBW group.Adjustable Output FrequencyThe output frequency at the LED outputs can be adjusted between 500Hz and 8000Hz via RDM.Adjustable Dimming CurveThe dimming curves can be configured individually for each output.RDM SupportThe DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HRX+ allows configuration by RDM via DMX.Free RDM-SoftwareTo set the parameters via RDM, our free RDM Configurator software is availableto download from our website SubDevice mode, each output is assigned its own DMX address and DMX FAIL behavior via RDM.Touch-ControlThe DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HRX+ is designed with 3 touch fields for operation and a 7-segment display.RGB-Status-DisplayThe device status is shown via the RGB status display.Firmware-Update-FunctionIn order to be able to use future functions, the DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HRX+ offersa firmware update function both via USB and RDM. Specifications  Power supply:12-48V DC 80mA@12V / 100mA@24V (without load)  LED voltage:12-48V DC (no AC voltage !)  Protocol:DMX512 RDM  DMX channels:9 channels with 8Bit-controlling and Curve-Definition 18 channels with 16Bit-Mode + optional Master-Dimmer-Channels  DMX-FAIL:Hold / 0%-100%  Output:9 PWM-signal with 16Bit-resolution and APDM (Adaptive Pulse Density Modulation) common supply voltage  Output current:max. 10A each output In sum 90A with all GND connections  Output power:9x 120W (12V) / 9x 240W (24V) / 9x 240W (48V)  Masterdimmer:None / Global / RGB / RGBW  PWM frequency:500Hz / 1kHz / 2kHz / 4kHz / 8kHz  CTRL Output:Control output for switching off the load power supply units (Energy-Save)  StandAlone function:9 internal Stand-Alone programs  Display:7 segment display RGB LED  Connections:Screw terminals  Dimensions:105mm x 90mm x 60mm Produkt DownloadsDMX-LED-Dimmer X9HRX+Bedienungsanleitung DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HRX+User Manual DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HRX+USB DriverVersion DMX-LED-Dimmer X9HRX+Firmware Software & ToolsDMX-Configurator V2Windows 32 & 64bit DMX-Configurator V2Bedienungsanleitung DMX-Configurator V2User Manual
Product number: 99-3509
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

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